What is NEVI?
The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, a key component of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), dedicates $7.5 billion to support electric vehicle (EV) charging initiatives. This allocation comprises $5 billion for broad-scale funding across the nation and an additional $2.5 billion earmarked for grants focusing on corridor and community charging projects. NEVI aims to foster fair and widespread access to electric vehicles, curbing emissions from transportation, and contributing to the national objective of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
The NEVI criteria were crafted to ensure convenient, reliable, affordable, and fair charging options for electric vehicle (EV) drivers, whether they require fast charging locally or during a journey. To qualify for NEVI funding, which can cover up to 80% of project costs, locations must meet the following requirements:
Be within 1 mile of established alternative fuel corridors (AFCs)
Accommodate the power requirements for DC solutions
Charge four vehicles at 150 kW at the same time
Cover remaining total project costs

Charger Requirements:
Quick Answer: A minimum of four 150 kW DC fast chargers per location.
The NEVI program aims to establish charging stations every 50 miles along main highways in each state, situated within one mile of an exit. Selected chargers must be Direct Current (DC) Fast Chargers, delivering up to 150 kW of power per vehicle. The minimum power capacity for the charger site must be 600 kW.
Uptime Assurance:
Quick Answer: In operational working order 97% of the time.
Achieving 97% uptime is crucial, with states likely to mandate regular reporting. NEVI-funded projects must gather and submit data, including uptimes, charging station usage, energy dispensed, peak session power, reliability, and maintenance costs.
Uptime Reporting:
Quick Answer: States may require annual, quarterly, and even real-time reporting.
Regular reporting of uptime is essential, as indicated by most states. NEVI guidelines mandate projects to collect and submit comprehensive data on various metrics, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Quick Answer: Only qualified technicians can install EV charger infrastructure.
NEVI guidelines demand that technicians installing, maintaining, or operating EV charger infrastructure hold proper licenses, certifications, and training. Installation technicians must be certified by the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) or have graduated from a relevant Registered Apprenticeship Program.
Maintenance Planning:
Quick Answer: A minimum five-year maintenance plan on equipment.
NEVI guidelines require a robust five-year maintenance plan, emphasizing the responsibility of funded entities to ensure the sustainability of their investments. Businesses availing NEVI funding must develop effective monitoring and maintenance strategies for the long term.
Build America, Buy America Act:
Quick Answer: All equipment is subject to the Build America, Buy America Act.
In adherence to the Build America, Buy America Act, NEVI mandates that all infrastructure equipment must be purchased from sources within the United States. This act ensures the utilization of domestically produced materials and equipment in federal infrastructure programs.
Every state has the authority to set its own NEVI requirements, supplementing the federally mandated minimum standards. You can find the specific standards for your state by referring to this resource.

How do I get started with NEVI?
The first step is to go to your state’s website and check the status of your state’s program. You’ll also want to check that you are located along one of the Alternative Fuel Corridors. States want to participate in NEVI to meet EV promises and increase tourism.

What other incentives are available?
Individual states may present their incentives beyond the funds provided by the federal NEVI program. Moreover, the federal government is finalizing details for the 30C tax credit for EV charging. This credit can offer up to a 30% tax credit for the expenses associated with installing EV charging infrastructure.

What can NEVI be used for?
NEVI funding can help install EV charging stations by covering part of the costs, including preparatory "make-ready" work like utility upgrades, running wiring to charging station spots, and related construction. Additionally, NEVI funding will contribute to a portion of EV charging hardware and software expenses.
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